Baju Korporat posted a status

Baju Korporat posted a status defaultarrow.gif 2 held Tasks are still waiting to be replayed

Hey Uniform,

Just a quick reminder that you still need to fix some issues with your Zapier account. To make sure we don't

miss any of your Tasks, we're still holding 2 Tasks for at least

1 month before we start discarding them.

Nothing to worry about, though: you won't lose your data from these held…

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" alt="

Baju Korporat posted a status

header.gifBaju Korporat posted a status defaultarrow.gif 2 held Tasks are still waiting to be replayed

Hey Uniform,

Just a quick reminder that you still need to fix some issues with your Zapier account. To make sure we don't

miss any of your Tasks, we're still holding 2 Tasks for at least

1 month before we start discarding them.

Nothing to worry about, though: you won't lose your data from these held…

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